中国科学院南美天文研究中心/中智天文联合研究中心(简称中智中心)是中科院实施发展中国家科教合作拓展工程的一个海外项目。中心为中 国科学院与智利国家科委合作搭建的以智利为中心、辐射南美其他国家的天文平台。中心的工作面向全国天文届开放,意图建立中智双边科学研究团队,利用智利的 先进观测设备和优秀的天文观测台址,为我国开展南半球前沿天文观测研究和天文技术方法研究提供有利条件,建设实测天文的人才梯队。 Continue reading
月度归档: 2014 年 9 月
The Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) of Chile have decided to promote mutual collaborations in astronomical research between the two countries. To provide support for young astronomers in their early stages of research career, a China-CONICYT Postdoctoral Fellowship program has been initiated since 2013, with four finalists selected and awarded the Fellowship in its first year. The 2014 implementation of this Fellowship will start soon in the form of a call issued by CONICYT. Qualified candidates must have assurance to obtain their Ph.D. degree before the start of the Fellowship (expected by mid-2015). Preferential considerations will be given to those applicants with proposed research activities involving collaborations between the Chinese and Chilean astronomy communities. Potential applicants should check out the web sites and for more up-to-date information on this opportunity in the coming months and may contact prospective sponsors accordingly before applying.
Further inquires about this fellowship opportunity can be addressed to Dr. Jiasheng Huang, Chief Scientist of CASSACA (the CAS South America Center for Astronomy) at (PDF: CC_postdoc_ad_2014 ).
More information to come…