Research Scholars

Gongbo ZhaoResearch ProfessorJiasheng HuangResearch Professor
Interstellar Medium, Galaxy Evolution and InteractionsGalaxy formation and evolution, High-z Galaxies
Cong XuResearch ProfessorYu DaiResearch Professor
* Optical, infrared/sub-millimeter and radio observations of galaxies
* Star formation process, ISM and their interplay in galaxies
* Large-scale distribution of galaxies in local universe
* Distant galaxies and galaxy evolution
* Infrared/Sub-millimeter space astronomical missions
Optical and infrared spectro-interferometry
Jun PanResearch ProfessorGuido GarayResearch Professor
Cosmology, Large Scale StructureInterstellar medium and star formation
Siwei ZouResearch ProfessorLingzhi WangAssociate Research Professor
Galaxy Ecosystems, Cosmic Metal Enrichment, Reionization, First Stars and GalaxiesSupernova, Dust, Variable stars, Time-Domain Astronomy
Cheng ChengAssociate Research ProfessorPablo Fernando García FuentesAssistent Professor
low mass galaxy,
high redshift galaxy
Formation of Massive Stars in the Galactic Center and the Milky Way Disk
Jinhua HeProfessorMeng ZhaiAssistent Professor
Marat MusinAssistent ProfessorLei ZhuAssistent Professor
Formation of Massive Stars, Formation and Evolution of Molecular Clouds and Observations with Radio Interferometers
Lixin YuAssistent ProfessorLi ZhouPostdoc
Time Domain Astronomy
Ziming LiuPostdoc

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