Researchers | | | |
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Xianzhong Zheng | Research Professor | Haojing Yan | Research Professor |
Galaxy formation and evolution, AGN | Galaxy formation and evolution, Supermassive black holes, active galactic nuclei(AGNs) and interacting galaxies |
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高清 | | 李静 | |
Exoplanet; Variable stars | 银河系结构,星流 |
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Toha | | | |
Postdoc | | | |
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Marat Musin | Postdoc | 葛继兴 | |
| 2018.9 - | | 2020/08- |
Optical-IR studies of galaxies. Galaxy formation and evolution. Stellar mass assembly history of galaxies through cosmic time.
| investigating the formation and evolution of dwarf galaxies, ultra-diffuse galaxies in particular, at low redshift with photometric and spectroscopic data. Research interests: 1. galaxy formation and evolution; 2. dwarf galaxies, particularly ultra-diffuse galaxies; 3. dark matter and large-scale structures |
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Massinissa Hadjara | | Gabriel Oio | |
Instruments, Spectro-Interferometry | | AGN, Galaxy evolution | |
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Yuping Tang | | | |
Molecular clouds, Star formation | | | |
Engineers | | | |
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Juncheng Chen | | 闫正洲 | |
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房祥松 | | | |
Students | | | |
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Tianwen Cao | | Fengyuan Liu | |
Ph. D. | | M. S. | |
Molecular Gas in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies | | Galaxy Formation and Evolution | |
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Yaqing Shi | | Nicole Araneda | |
Ph. D. | | M. S. |
Exoplanets | low-redshift dwarf galaxies | |
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Gaoxiang Jin | M.S (graduated) | | |
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star formation and evolution | | |