Past Visiting Scholars


Xianzhong ZhengResearch ProfessorHaojing YanResearch Professor
Galaxy formation and evolution, AGNGalaxy formation and evolution, Supermassive black holes, active galactic nuclei(AGNs) and interacting galaxies
Exoplanet; Variable stars银河系结构,星流


Marat MusinPostdoc葛继兴
2018.9 -2020/08-
Optical-IR studies of galaxies. Galaxy formation and evolution. Stellar mass assembly history of galaxies through cosmic time.

investigating the formation and evolution of dwarf galaxies, ultra-diffuse galaxies in particular, at low redshift with photometric and spectroscopic data. Research interests: 1. galaxy formation and evolution; 2. dwarf galaxies, particularly ultra-diffuse galaxies; 3. dark matter and large-scale structures
Massinissa HadjaraGabriel Oio
Instruments, Spectro-InterferometryAGN, Galaxy evolution
Yuping Tang
Molecular clouds, Star formation


Juncheng Chen闫正洲


Tianwen CaoFengyuan Liu
Ph. D.M. S.
Molecular Gas in Low Surface Brightness GalaxiesGalaxy Formation and Evolution
Yaqing ShiNicole Araneda
Ph. D.M. S.
Exoplanetslow-redshift dwarf galaxies
Gaoxiang JinM.S (graduated)
star formation and evolution

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